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Zenit St Petersburg has been known for a lot of things chief of which was gifting English football Andrei Arshavin but the conduct of their fans over the years has left much to be desired.

Malcolm who joined the Russian powerhouse from Barcelona is said to be making a quick return after Russians racially abused him on the pitch. Thanks to Putin’s comrades not having the tact of their American counterparts to covertly hate someone based on their skin and still manage to not show it, the last world cup hosts are set to face another barrage of UEFA panel.
Thanks to whatever the sessions they hold in such panel consists off, they are set to get a slap on the wrist. After all it is the reason why the issue of racism has prevailed for so long.

Malcolm has also struggled with playing for Zenit thanks to recurring bouts of injuries. As a result, he hasn’t even made double digit appearances this season.

Reading banners at the stands that says the absence of black players remains an important tradition just about sums up his journey at Petersburg. At a time where those within the club should be supporting him, they are reminding how much they don’t want him on the pitch whether fit or not.

Till now, Mario Balotelli remains the only player to dare racism in the eye and act out on the field of play usually to the detriment of his team but his attitude towards football’s darkest secret is the kind that has a chance to put a stop to it. It is just that not many professionals are willing to risk whatever they are trying to protect by not protesting.

Coming back to Barca though remains a pipe dream for Malcolm.